
At Kidsplace Nursery School we believe that a child-centred, play-based program that incorporates a variety of learning opportunities help the children in our care develop to their full potential.

We welcome and accept children of all abilities. Our program supports the inclusion of children who require additional support because of physical, cognitive, social or emotional need.

Our staff members believe that children are open to learning when they feel safe and comfortable in their environment. Staff members interact with children in a positive and nurturing manner to help build confidence and independence through positive reinforcement and guidance.

Our program is theme-based to provide experiences and activities that enhance the children’s interests and abilities. The daily schedule allows for open-ended, unstructured play in which children can develop relationships, communication skills, and creativity as well as structured activities to encourage listening skills and cooperation.

Our classroom is made up of many different play areas that allow children to play together in groups or individually. All these areas allow children to practice cooperation and sharing and expand creativity. Transitions are incorporated into the schedule to help children learn to follow routines and feel secure in knowing what is going next. Cures are provided through songs and poems to assist children in changing activities.

Free Play

The children will spend about two-thirds of each session moving independently between the different activities, spending as much time at each activity as he or she wishes. During this time, the children may choose activities from the house area, play dough center, water table, art area, and the book centre. They may also choose to use the blocks, puzzles and table toys. This time is unstructured; however, children are encouraged to plan their play so that they are happily involved and not moving aimlessly or destructively from centre to centre.

Creative Activities

During free playtime, children will have an opportunity to express themselves in a creative art experience. This will be a time for your child to use various art materials in as many different ways as the imagination will allow. Children, at this age, are more interested in manipulating and experimenting with different materials then “making something”. This approach to teaching art helps to foster your child’s creativity. When a person possesses creative capabilities, he/she is more able to see new and creative ways of dealing with the many problems and challenges that life presents.

Clean-up Time

Everyone is responsible for the entire room. During free play, the children are encouraged to return one toy before taking another. They are also encouraged to participate during “clean-up time”.

Gym Time

Weather allowing, the children will use the playground area and facilities for large muscle activities.

Circle Time

Children also need and benefit from some routine and structured activities. During each session there will be a planned “circle time”, which will include songs, finger plays, co-operative games, drama, stories, movement, and rhythm activities. Each of these will be intellectually and physically stimulating and challenging and….a lot of FUN.

Snack Time

It is the responsibility of each parent to send a nutritious snack to school with their child each class, along with a drink (e.g. in a juice box or sipper cup). 

Kidsplace offers the following 2.5-hour classes:

4-year-olds (Kindergarten Readiness)

Monday/Wednesday/Friday mornings: 9:15 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.
Cost of this class is $60/month.

Mixed 3- and 4-year-olds

Tuesday/Thursday mornings: 9:15 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.
Tuesday/ Thursday afternoons: 12:50 – 3:20 p.m.
Cost of these classes are $40/month.

At Kidsplace, we take pride in developing a program that provides children with a strong and positive foundation for further learning!

Take a tour of Kidsplace!

In lieu of an Open House, come on a virtual tour of our classroom, meet the teachers, and learn more about our classes.